We have a winner! There will be a second round of Mural Designs CONTES

Tuesday, 3.01.2023

On November 29, 2022. Żywiec City Council has announced a contest entitled "Żywiec Murals" for the selection of competition works, which are mural projects. The competition is carried out within the of the project "SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution", financed from funds of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget within the Local Development Program.

The works could have been submitted until until  3 pm, 16-th of December 2022, 
Four offers were placed. After analyzing the submitted documents, three offers were rejected because of formal reasons, one offer met all the formal criteria and requirements written in Regulations.

On January 2, 2023, the deliberations of contest Jury took place, which gauged the mural design offers according to parameters specified in the Regulations -  all indications and comments for implementation. Jury decided to invite for negotiations the contractor of the contest work, which was submitted for part 1a - Mural on the fence of the building at Dworcowa Street No.17.

Because of the lack of valid offers for remaining four locations of the murals, Żywiec Municipality will soon renew the Contest for the selection of “Żywiec Mural” designs. 
Information about the renewed contest will be published in the NEWS tab and on the BIP of Żywiec City website    ( in the INFORMATOR→ Orders and contests under PLN 130,000).
All Artists are most welcome to follow the news and submit projects in the next round of the contest.

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