On 21th of December 2021.  Żywiec Municipality signed an agreement for project funding entitled 'SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution'.

The amount of co-financing under the agreement is PLN 15,637,823.29. The project is financed in 85% from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and in 15% from the state budget. The project will run until 30.04.2024.

The implementation of the project is a huge challenge for  Żywiec City. It is also a huge development opportunity. The project consists a number of undertakings.

Project implementation schedule includes:

- construction of a pedestrian and bicycle bridge over the   Sola River (the so-called Foreland ),
- construction of pedestrian and bicycle paths along the Soła and Koszarawa Rivers, together with small architecture,
- construction of a brine graduation tower together with a relaxation zone in the Habsburg Park,
- reconstruction of the sports field at the Ogródek Club,
- implementation of a leisure and sports program,
- SMART TRASH system (signaling of the level of trashes in trashcans),
- the Green Żywiec program.

There will also be activities which support social integration. The planned activities include:

- cyclical contest for the prettiest garden and balcony,
- co-creating community murals action,
- planting of pollution-absorbing vegetation together with residents.

We will inform You about the effects and ongoing activities through social media channels and Żywiec City  website.

The total value of the project is PLN 15,637,823.29.
Eligible costs 100%.


Ścieżka rozwoju miasta

The Norwegian and EEA Funds represent Norway's contribution to creating a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. Through the Norwegian and EEA Funds, Norway contributes for reduction of social and economic inequalities and the strengthening of bilateral relations with beneficiary countries from Central and Southern Europe and the Baltic Sea area

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