The first round of contest for Zywiec Murals projects is finished !

Monday, 6.02.2023

The contest  "Zywiec Murals", for the selection of contest works projects of murals, has been resolved.  By the decision of the Jury, the winner was the project No. 11, submitted by Mr. Jakub Mojżeszek.

The winner submitted a work depicting a mural design on the fence of the building at  Dworcowa St. No 17 The work fulfill all formal requirements included in Contest Regulations.

The work received the following scores:

1. artistic quality - 15 points.

2. composition with the environment - 3,75 points.

3. economics and feasibility of the adopted design solutions, including the financial feasibility of the technical solutions, as well as the materials for making the mural - 27.5 points.

Total sum - 46.25 points

The Jury suggested holding discussions with the contractor in order to agree on the Jury's indications and recommendations for the work.

Congratulations to the winner!

Soon next round of the Contest for “Zywiec Murals” projects for the remaining 4 locations in the City. 

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