Invitation to a consultation meeting on bicycle transport

Wednesday, 30.08.2023

Ladies and Gentlemen! We warmly invite the residents of the City of Żywiec to take part in a consultation meeting regarding the emerging "Cycling Policy for the City of Żywiec until 2030". During the meeting, we will talk about problems related to bicycle transport and the vision for the development of bicycle routes in the city.
The meeting will take place on September 12, 2023 (Tuesday) from 5:00 p.m. in room 201 at the Municipal Ecological Center in Żywiec at Rynek Street 2, 34-300 Żywiec. The expected duration of the meeting is 2 hours.
•you think that bicycle transport in the city needs changes,
•you would like to ride a bicycle safely around the city, but the bicycle infrastructure is not always conducive to do so,
•you have noticed that there are places that are dangerous for cyclists sure to come to the meeting and share your opinion with us!


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