Good for you with sport

Tuesday, 26.09.2023

Last week we’ve proved, that every weather and all seasons are suitable for sports activities. As part of the Smart Żywiec - (r)evolution project, two  sport picnics were held to encourage citizens to change their habits.  Pupils from Żywiec schools took part in sports competition on the football sport field in the Habsburg Park.

School teams representatives had eight activity zones for their disposal. The most popular was learning how to walk on stilts and riding unusual unicycles.  It was possible to try to ride a “minitandem” bike, a monocycle or a bicycle.
Jumping in bags and tightrope walking also caused a lot of joy and laughter. It turns out, that something which seems so simple at first is not always easy to do in real. This makes all more pleasing, that  youth were very keen to take part in all competitions. Importantly, the beautiful sport field in the park was precisely cleaned up by the pupils after fi. At the end of the picnic, prize draw took place. Each participant got back home with sport gift,  all schools received commemorative cups, which we hope will remind them to be environmentally friendly and that physical activity is a way to feel good.

Unfortunately, Sunday's weather was not  so kind to participants of the second picnic. This time, we prepared activities in football spirit, directed primarily for adults. We were delighted that children and young people also took part in this activities, in according to principle that "Football unites together generations ". We proved, that there is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing....  The “Orlik” sports field at Primary School No. 3 become a meeting of people who are the best example, that habits can always be changed, and that sportsmanship is a way to have fun and spend time in a cool, sociable way. In addition to the matches of the Żywiec Amateur Football League, there was a competition, well known from television, of the “Turbokozak” type.

There was a lot of real football competition , but above all -  lot of laughter.  If you don't believe me, try spinning round your own axis a few times and... hit the goal. As it turns out, it is not really that easy!

For the consolation, prizes and a warm barbecue sausage awaited for all participants. There was also good music and propriate comments gave by picnic leader- Mr Dariusz Mrowiec. As host repeatedly said - thanks to Norwegian funds we can develop sport in our town. Żywiec City Mayor Mr Antoni Szlagor, who was present at both picnics, also expressed his satisfaction. He confirmed, that he is very proud of Żywiec citizens for  their attitude and help in making positive changes thanks to the Smart Żywiec - (r)evolution project.


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