Monday, 4.12.2023

During the event, we met awarded local government officials, athletes or entrepreneurs. Highland Personality contest  gala, took place on 25th of November. It was an excellent opportunity for the SMART ŻYWIEC-(r)evolution project -  "I am an ambassador of Żywiec City" initiative presentation.
"I am an ambassador of Żywiec City” of is one of over 40 projects undertaken as part of the SMART Żywiec-(r)evolution project, funded by the European Economic Area 2014-2021 and the state budget, within the Local Development Program.
As part of this activity Żywiec citizens can take part in meetings with interesting Żywiec inhabitants. Last meeting guest was Mr Michał Kusiak - well-known and respected popularizer of science, discoverer of many comets and asteroids, including the one most important for the citizens of Żywiec - the asteroid named in tribute to Żywiec City. A great thing for all meeting participants during this meeting was the opportunity to see Jupiter through a telescope,  which is quite visible in early November.
"I am an ambassador of Żywiec City” activity included also a meeting with Grzegorz Szczepaniak - a Beskid tourist guide and author of the well-known book " Żywiec Hiking trials”. A tour guide around Żywiec and its tourist attractions, shared his knowledge and feelings about his beloved Żywiec City, advised where to go and what to see in our City with so-called 'non-obvious, hidden places'.
Curator of the Żywiec City Museum Mrs. Dorota Firlej, took all listeners during the gala, to Żywiec City hundred years ago, and Paweł Ignatowicz, who in every day live performs in New York City, appeared on a concert stage in our City.
The gala was an unique moment, which allowed to highlight the importance of SMART ŻYWIEC-(r)evolution project of the Żywiec City and the region development. This initiative, trough  combining tradition with modernity, endeavor to create a cohesive and integrated community, that unites rather than  divides.
In addition, this event become a sort of a platform for ideas and experiences exchange, between the citizens and experts. This contributes for better understanding of needs and aspirations of local community. Gala was also an opportunity to celebrate local successes, which inspires citizens to further engaging in activities for development of Żywiec City and its surroundings.



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