SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution at 4 Design Day

Thursday, 1.02.2024

On the 27th of January we had a great pleasure to participate at 4 Design Days. Our presence was related to the presentation of the SMART ŻYWIEC-(r)evolution project, how it has transformed the Żywiec City.  Our presentation was included in the series of 'Silesia is changing - presentations of the most interesting local government investments in the region'.
The person presenting our project was Mr Michał Czaplicki, Żywiec Municipality reprezentative who encouraged people to explore the topic of SMART ŻYWIEC-(r)evolution with his speech. There was a whole history of the activities, starting with the financial resources and ending with the implementation of the individual stages. He drew attention to the aspects of safety, ecology and the broad accessibility of many places in a completely new dimension. The project was highly appreciated by the audience, who were unaware of how much is changing in our City. And that's not all, because it's still happening. We presented Żywiec as a city where everyone wants to live, and where the implemented solutions improve the living comfort of the citizens and encourage new people to come, for residential as well as for recreational purposes.
During the event we could also listen to presentations such as:
- Revitalization - creating a public space - Independence Square in Ruda Śląska
- Technology Demonstrator - passive municipal building in Mysłowice
- Registered office of the sports Club Unia Kalety
- Environmental Education Centre-Exotarium and Biodiversity Park in Sosnowiec
- Bytom - revitalization of Dworcowa Street
- Rydułtowy - revitalization of the Karol Estate
We would like to thank for the opportunity to participate in such interesting and inspiring event, as well as for the chance to present the activities we have been implementing so resiliently for some time now.


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