Walking-bike foortbridge over the Sola River is now open!

Monday, 19.02.2024


The long-awaited walking-bike foortbridge over the Soła River is now officially opened. The event attracted many interested citizens. Inauguration was attended by representatives of Asysta Żywiecka and Jukace Zabłockie, who, according to tradition dating back to the Swedish Deluge, ran halfway across the bridge, thus inaugurating its opening.  Walking – bike path is one of the key investments implemented within the  SMART ŻYWIEC -(r)evolution project. Now it is possible to walk over the river from the Sporysz District to Zabłocie and back. We are very happy about this, because finally this Districts of Żywiec City, separated for so long, can now are finally connected!
The Footbridge  with walking – bike path over the River Sole has a positive impact on improving the town's tourist infrastructure. The entire project involved the construction of a footbridge,  new of pedestrian and cycle section path as well as small architecture  such as: benches installation, bike stands and a monitoring system, which further enhances the safety of pedestrians and cyclists. The path lighting is powered by renewable energy. Path extends for 2.6 km, 1.2 km  of it is a completely newly created section. The entire investment cost approximately PLN 9.7 million. MOSTMARPAL Ltd company was responsible for construction.
The footbridge is the most important investment task in the SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution project, which cost more than 60% of the total budget. Its construction not only improves communication in the city, but also brings together two parts of Żywiec that were previously separated. I firmly believe that this investment will encourage both residents and tourists to actively spend more time outdoors and admire the charms of Żywiec City" pointed the mayor of Żywiec City , Mr Antoni Szlagor.
The official inauguration of the investment and the opening of the footbridge took place on the first day of the new year - 1.01.2024. Residents and tourists can already enjoy the benefits of the footbridge and the cycle path area. It is an ideal place for walks and recreation, surrounded by Żywiec nature and the Soła river.


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