21 September - ECO DAY at the Żywiec City Main Square!

Friday, 15.09.2023

The ECO DAY Picnic starts this Thursday at 10 am. Whoever was there last year knows, whoever wasn't, can't miss this event, because  a lot of things will happened there!!!

In the schedule a.o.:
- The musical performance "Frania Recycling, Four Elements and Ecodancing" by  Katarynka Theatre
- At 11.30 a.m. the Mayor of Żywiec will hand awards to the winners of the "Most Beautiful Garden and Balcony in Żywiec" contest.  There will be an exhibition of the most beautiful of Żywiec gardens and balconies photos on the Żywiec Main Square,
- Gymnastics together with "Active Kids",
- The open-air Plant Exchange stand "Adopt a Penny" (there will be hollyhocks, lavender, sedum, aloes and other beautiful plants waiting to be exchanged), opportunity to receive advice from our gardening specialists,
- the stand of the Building and Wood School Complex in Żywiec. Teachers together with students of the Landscape Architecture Technical Secondary School will hold a plant transplanting workshop. Those who are interested doesn’t have to sign up for this workshop in advance.
- "WORLD IN OUR HANDS" Foundation stand :  zero waste or living without rubbish in practice. Here you will see a demonstration of solutions to decrease the waste in your everyday life to a minimum. You will also learn about specific items to help you do this and recipes for eco-friendly cleaning products and cosmetics.
- “Forest House” Foundation stand, where you can walk along the sensory path, play games, take part in games or art workshops (decorating feathers using the dot technique, jumping frogs made of toilet paper, mobile from pinecones and string, making herbal doodles).

Eco-adviser from the Inter-Communal Union for Ecology in Żywiec will provide information on the anti-smog resolution, term of replacing heat sources, possibility of various forms of subsidies or impact of air pollution on our health.

There will also be a stand of the Municipal Ecological Centre,  Landscape Parks Complex of the Silesian Voivodeship, and  Silesian Botanical Garden. As well as on other stands, here, too, there will be a lot of educational games, competitions and many other attractions throughout the whole picnic. Let the rest remain a surprise for You . Just be with us!

The event is organized as part of the project "SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution", financed from funds of the EEA Financial Mechanism and the state budget within the Local Development Program.



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