Competent employees for Żywiec Municipality City Hall!

Wednesday, 30.11.2022

On 28th of  November this year Żywiec Municipality signed a contract to carry out an independent audit including Żywiec Municipality City Hall employees competences examination (ex ante) and audit assessing changes in the level of competence of local government employees after finishing of the project (ex post). Selected employees of the Żywiec Municipal Office will soon undergo a preliminary audit. In the next stage of this project, model for the development of employees competencies will be developed and implemented as well as training for the employees of the Municipal Office. The final stage of this project, will be an audit which will assess changes in the level of competence of City Hall employees.
The main goal of the entire project is to improve the competences and motivation of officials, which will improve the quality of services for residents and functioning of the entire Municipality.

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