Meeting with Mr Michał Kusiak as part of the project "I am an ambassador of żywiec city" on 7th November

Tuesday, 31.10.2023

Astronomy enthusiasts gathered around the project "I am an ambassador of  Żywiec City" will have a unique opportunity to meet an exceptional guest – Mr  Michał Kusiak, a well-known Polish astronomer and popularizer of science. The meeting, entitled "A planet called Żywiec", will take place on 7th  November at 5 p.m. in the Żywiec Municipal Library.
Michał Kusiak is an exceptional figure in the world of astronomy - a discoverer of many comets and asteroids, who inspires successive generations with his passion and knowledge. His lecture will certainly enlight the secrets of the universe and introduce participants phenomena that happen far beyond the boundaries of our planet.
As an active participant in international projects, Mr Michał Kusiak has co-discovered 160 comets, including the historic 2,000th comet in the SOHO probe's images. His involvement in a project to search for small Solar System bodies using the Polonia observatory in Chile and Rantiga in Italy has resulted in the discovery of potentially hundreds of new asteroids.
 Mr Michal Kusiak is also the co-discoverer of the long-period comet C/2015 F2 (Polonia), which earned him the prestigious Edgar Wilson Award. In 2015, he was honored as a finalist in the Popularizer of Science plebiscite, and the International Astronomical Union named one of the asteroids (551231)  Zywiec name!
A meeting with such an eminent scientist as Mr Michał Kusiak is not only a unique opportunity to explore the mysteries of the universe, but also a moment that can inspire both - young and old to deepen their knowledge and passion for astronomy. It is a time when we can directly ask questions, share our reflections and insights, and hear form first-hand about the latest astronomical discoveries and research.
Mr Michal Kusiak, with his experience and enthusiasm, is able to present complex scientific issues in an accessible way, sparking curiosity and interest in space science. His lecture 'A planet named Żywiec' promises to be a fascinating journey through the galaxies, showing not only the beauty of the universe, but also the importance of astronomy in our everyday lives.
We therefore encourage all residents of Żywiec City and  its surroundings , both  - those with extensive experience in astronomy and novice star gazers, to attend this unique meeting. Don't miss the chance for an extraordinary educational experience, opportunity to broaden your horizons and be inspired to explore the amazing world of astronomy further.
You are cordially invited to an event that is sure to be full of inspiring talks and exploratory experiences!



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