Monday, 6.11.2023

The 'Smart Żywiec - (r)evolution' project, which  will last until 30th of April 2024, is already introducing the first facilities to improve the lives of Żywiec City citizens.

At the end of October, the 'Smart Trash' system was implemented. System main goal is to reduce  littering in the City. People in charge of the project have selected 40 trash cans into which sensors have been installed to signal the level of filling.
The measuring instruments will be operated by authorized persons trough software application,

The system supposed to work in a very simple way - the mobile app will display three colors, depending on the level of filling of the respective trash can.

- Green, when less than 50% full,
- Orange, when the bin is over 50% full,
- Red, when the bin is full - a signal to empty the bin immediately.

The 'Smart Trash' project is a modern idea of 'smart trash cans' to significantly improve time of emptying them. This procedure should  reduce littering on the City. We would like to remind you that this is one of many ideas that will be developed within the 'Smart Żywiec - (r)evolution' strategy, for which the funding is up to PLN 15.331.864, 51.

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