A series of 'I am an ambassador for Żywiec' meetings has ended

Friday, 29.12.2023

The Association Żywiec miasto zmySŁÓW, as part of its cooperation with the City of Żywiec, organised a series of meetings entitled "I am an ambassador of Żywiec", attended by well-known Żywiec residents of various professions and interests, worthily representing Żywiec at home and abroad.
On 25 November, the Gala of the Coalition of Mountain Area Brands took place. Where statuettes (beautiful sculptures) were presented to the ambassadors of the City of Żywiec. They were received by Dorota Firlej, Grzegorz Szczepaniak, Michał Kusiak, and representing Paweł Ignatowicz - his mother Grażyna Ignatowicz. The awards were presented by Antoni Szlagor, Mayor of Żywiec, and Kornelia Gąsiorek, President of the Żywiec City of MysLaws Association. The Gala took place in the Concert Hall of the Music School in Żywiec.  The Gala was co-organised by the association Żywiec miasto zmySŁÓW. The last of the ambassadors was the outstanding athlete Piotr Haczek, who received the Żywiec Ambassador statuette on 20 December 2023 at the Żywiec Local Government Library.
The Association Żywiec miasto zmySŁÓW would like to congratulate all the ambassadors of the City of Żywiec on this honourable title and thank all the participants of the meetings and the gala for their numerous participation in the projects we carried out, as well as the authorities of the City of Żywiec and the employees of the Project Team "Smart Żywiec - (r)evolution" for their substantive support throughout the implementation of the project "I am an ambassador of Żywiec".


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