Thursday, 26.10.2023

Recent weeks have been a very intensive time for "Smart Żywiec -(r)evolution" project, especially for motto "Change Your habits" - i.e. the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the Żywiec citizens.
Health is the greatest wealth of our lives, and to maintain it, we should take care of our everyday habits. According to studies made by 'European Journal of Social Psychology' about process of habits forming, the average time for behavior to become a habit takes 66 days.
The main idea behind the 'Change Your Habits' program, is to increase the awareness about   importance of implementing healthy behaviors into our daily lives. The main goal of the project is  to show how people can change their habits and with what replace them in order to live healthier.
Among other things, information materials in the campaign were made. Colorful leaflets and posters were distributed to all Żywiec schools. Informational materials present proposals how to change passive rest into active rest - especially in the bosom of nature. The project included also an outdoor picnic for the Żywiec schools pupils in the Habsburg’s Park.
The program also encourages for using  two-wheelers and less use of cars, because there are more and more bicycle paths built in Żywiec City. Already now, we are observing a significant increase of the scooters and bicycles popularity and jogging enthusiasts are appearing on this paths.
Be eco-friendly and take care of your health!



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